Little Lights Preschool Program
Little Lights Preschool is a Christian early childhood ministry maintained and operated by Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church to reach families with the gospel. We strive to provide developmentally appropriate learning experiences in an atmosphere of Christian love and respect. We are a full-day preschool that operates from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm. Little Lights Preschool provides childcare for children 3 to 4 years old.
Bible Time
Bible Time focuses on sharing and learning the truths of God’s Word and His great love for us all through Bible stories, songs, rhymes, and activities. Our bible truths cover portions of the New and Old Testament and will incorporate our Christian values.
Little Lights Curriculum
Our program is organized to promote growth in the following areas of development: spiritual, social, cognitive, emotional, creative, and physical. We use the HighScope Curriculum to accomplish this. We use a variety of thematic units with student-led and teacher-led approaches to meet the unique needs of all children. We take time to include our Christian beliefs daily and teach the truths of the bible. Teachers will provide ample time and encourage play throughout the day while finding ways to extend thinking and provide activities to help children learn and grow.
Daily Schedule
Teacher performs health check. Backpacks and seasonally-appropriate outdoor gear are hung in the classroom and hallway. Children may use the bathrooms and wash their hands before entering the classroom. Parents and children sign in at the appropriate sign-in stations. Then, children play independently with table choices or carpet choices.
A transition time when children will be responsible for returning items to their proper bins and storage places. (Clean-up song)
We discuss upcoming events or any changes there may be to our routine that day.
The teacher will focus on two truths from God’s Word each week. This happens through Bible lessons, prayer, and singing. Once a month, Chapel Service may replace Bible Time.
The class will have a daily time to play outdoors as often as the weather permits. During inclement weather, we will use the gymnasium for large motor play
The children will be given various art materials to explore, participate in a sensory experience, or work on a planned thematic project.
Children are allowed ample time to play. Teachers strive to encourage and extend the learning happening as the children work to achieve their playing goals. Children are encouraged and observed by the teacher to assess their developmental progress during this time. All centers are open for children to explore (Math, Science, Block, Writing, Reading, Music, Dramatic Play).
A transition time when children will be responsible for returning items to their proper bins and storage places. (Clean-up song)
The teacher leads the children in active literacy experiences such as reading books, performing finger plays, singing songs, reciting nursery rhymes, and using manipulatives. The children are encouraged to participate and possibly take the lead in these experiences. Activities will vary based on thematic activities.
The children will be given various art materials to explore, participate in a sensory experience, or work on a planned thematic project.
Children will express themselves through music and movement activities.
Children wash their hands and will be given a nutritious lunch and drink. Polite table manners will be modeled and encouraged in a social and appropriate way. Children will clean up, use the restroom, and wash their hands before rest time.
Children participate in active learning throughout the morning. Children need time to rest from learning. They are not required to sleep but are encouraged. They will be given quiet activities after a period of quiet rest. Children will be supervised during nap time.
If the weather is nice, we will play outside or in the gym.
Children wash their hands and prepare for a nutritious snack and drink. Polite table manners will be modeled and encouraged in a social and appropriate way. Clean up and wash hands.
Children will gather their things and pack their backpacks to take home for the day. After a closing prayer, the children are given “choice time” activities to play until their guardians come to pick them up.
Parents and children will sign out from preschool.